
Missions at Trinity can be divided into at least two areas: 

Education and Implementation.

The Education aspect of Missions is done primarily through our children’s Wednesday evening mission groups which meet from 6:00-7:00pm. These consist of Mission Friends for the preschool age children, RA’s for boys in first through sixth grade, and GA’s for girls in the first through sixth grades.

Implementation of the missions experience is done through a three-pronged approach.

We do local missions (or, ministry) through Madison/Huntsville based agencies such as CASA, Habitat for Humanity, Inside-Out Ministry, the local thrift store, and other agencies.

The primary way we relate to these groups is through our Neighborhood Blitz which takes place twice a year, once in the spring and then again in the fall. Through this ministry we go into our surrounding neighborhoods and help refurbish homes, patch leaking roofs, build handicapped ramps, paint homes for elderly individuals, help in building new homes, sort clothes, etc.

On a statewide level we go to Perry County, AL over our spring break and partner with Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Sowing Seeds of Hope and Proovewell Baptist Church. Through these two groups we have roofed the church, individual homes, built handicapped ramps, and ministered to shut-ins and in nursing homes.

We also have responded to natural disasters through mission trips to the Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas Gulf Coast areas.

On an international level, we have partnered with missionaries in both Brazil and Mexico. Many years we construct a church chapel or pavilion, hold a Vacation Bible School, and host other community outreach efforts.

In this three-pronged approach at Trinity we are trying to be faithful to reach our “…Jerusalem, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.”

Recent Mission Projects & Trips

Please follow the tabs to see the different projects and trips Trinity has been involved with.

Dominican Republic Mission Trip

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The Dominican Republic mission team served from May 24-31, 2024. Each day while they were in country, there were blog posts from a couple of the team members sharing a little bit about their experiences. You can read the blog by clicking here.

Macon County Mission Trip
Perry County
Puerto Rico Mission Trip

November 10-14, 2017
This trip was in response to hurricane Maria. We took water filters and trained people how to use them. We will be sending more filters and now have locals who will be able to install them and teach others. 

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